Battery Cases

Storage cases for all your batteries!

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This case is great for protecting loose batteries.  Flexible enough to fit all types of 18650 b..
10 x 18650 Plastic Storage Case
The title says it all!  This is an inexpensive transparent plastic storage case for ten 18..
2 x 14500 or AA Plastic Storage Case
The title says it all!  This is an inexpensive transparent plastic storage case for your c..
2 x 18650 or 4 x 18350 Plastic Storage Case
The title says it all!  This is an inexpensive transparent plastic storage case for your c..
2 x 18650 Silicone Case - Colored
This case is great for protecting loose batteries.  Flexible enough to fit all types of 18650 b..
2 x 21700 Plastic Storage Case
The title says it all!  This is an inexpensive transparent plastic storage case for two 21..
2 x 26650 Plastic Storage Case
The title says it all!  This is an inexpensive transparent plastic storage case for two 26..
Based on 1 reviews.
4 x 14500 or AA Plastic Storage Case
The title says it all!  This is an inexpensive transparent plastic storage case for your c..
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